2004/509/EC:Commission Decision of 4 June 2004 adjusting the weightings applicable from 1 August, 1 September, 1 October, 1 November and 1 December 2003 to the remuneration of officials of the European Communities serving in third countries
2004/509/EC:2004年6月4日委员会决定 调整2003年8月1日、9月1日、10月1日、11月1日和12月1日适用于在第三国任职的欧洲共同体官员薪酬的权重
2004/509/EC:Commission Decision of 4 June 2004 adjusting the weightings applicable from 1 August, 1 September, 1 October, 1 November and 1 December 2003 to the remuneration of officials of the European Communities serving in third countries