BS EN IEC 62881:2018阐述了C&E矩阵的设置和实施,以实现一致的
IEC 62708EN 81346-1EN ISO 7200ISO 7200IEC 81346-1EN 62708EN 61508-1IEC 62061IEC 61131-3ISO 10628EN ISO 10628-1EN 62061EN 61131-3EN 61511-2IEC 61511-2IEC 61508-1ISO 10628-1IEC 61511-1:2016ISO 10418:2003EN ISO 10418(ISO 10418:2003)ASEN 61511-1:2017EN 61511-1:2017/A1:2017IEC 61511-1-1:2016/AM381:2017IEC 61511的最新修订版可于购买时购买包括在购买本文件时。
BS EN IEC 62881:2018 addresses the setting and implementation of C&E matrices for a consistent
use in engineering activities. It aims to describe a simple format used to support a consistent
exchange of information between different engineering disciplines involved in project or
maintenance activities. The document defines the minimum requirements of the C&E matrix
content, which is derived from existing design documents, for example P&ID or verbal
descriptions.Cross References:IEC 62708EN 81346-1EN ISO 7200ISO 7200IEC 81346-1EN 62708EN 61508-1IEC 62061IEC 61131-3ISO 10628EN ISO 10628-1EN 62061EN 61131-3EN 61511-2IEC 61511-2IEC 61508-1ISO 10628-2EN ISO 10628-2ISO 10628-1IEC 61511-1:2016ISO 10418:2003EN ISO 10418 (ISO 10418:2003) ASEN 61511-1:2017EN 61511-1:2017/A1:2017IEC 61511-1:2016/AMD1:2017IEC 62381:2012All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.