Update on Experimental Validation of the SP43 Simulation Model for Forced-Air Heating Systems
ASHRAE Special Project 43(SP43)开发并实验验证了一个动态模拟模型,用于分析住宅强制空气供暖系统的季节热性能和能量利用。在项目过程中,SP43模拟模型得到了显著的改进和扩展,将最新的模型预测与早期的实验数据进行比较很有意义。本文是本系列文章的第六篇,描述了将更新模型的预测与19个现场测试案例的实验数据进行比较的验证工作。这些案例是之前提出的验证案例的子集,包括能源使用协议超过±10%的所有案例和协议在±5%范围内的几个案例。更新后的验证显著提高了除4例外所有病例的一致性在±8%以内,所有病例的一致性在±24%以内,并且没有显著降低基本良好病例的一致性。
ASHRAE Special Project 43 (SP43) has developed and experimentally validated a dynamic simulation model for analyzing the seasonal thermal performance and energy utilization of residential forced-air heating systems. During the course of the project, the SP43 Simulation Model has been improved and extended significantly and it is of interest to compare the most recent model predictions with earlier experimental data.This paper, sixth in the series, describes validation efforts that compare predictions by the updated model with experimental data for a series of 19 field test cases. These cases are a subset of the validation cases presented previously that includes all of the cases where energy use agreement exceeded ±10% and several cases where agreement was within ±5%. The updated validation significantly improved the agreement to within ±8% for all but four cases and to within ±24% for all cases and did not significantly degrade the agreement for those cases where it was good o~ginally. The improved agreement can be attributed to a series of model improvements made since the original predictions, as well as minor corrections to the input data resulting from a detailed input analysis. The major conclusion is that the SP43 Simulation Model is an effective representation of residential HVAC system performance for the purposes of component or control system evaluation.Units: I-P