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现行 IEC 61760-4:2015+AMD1:2018 CSV
Surface mounting technology - Part 4: Classification, packaging, labelling and handling of moisture sensitive devices 表面安装技术第4部分:湿敏器件的分类、包装、标签和处理
发布日期: 2018-03-13
IEC 61760-4:20 15+A1:2018规定了湿敏器件与焊接热相关的湿敏等级的分类,以及包装、标签和处理的规定。它还将分类和包装方法扩展到当前现有标准不需要或不合适的此类组件。对于这种情况,本标准引入了额外的水分敏感性水平和替代包装方法。本标准适用于预期用于回流焊的器件,如表面贴装器件,包括特定的通孔器件(器件供应商已明确支持回流焊),但不适用于半导体器件和用于流动(波峰)焊接的器件。该合并版本由第一版(2015年)及其修正案1(2018年)组成。因此,除本出版物外,无需下令修订。
IEC 61760-4:2015+A1:2018 specifies the classification of moisture sensitive devices into moisture sensitivity levels related to soldering heat, and provisions for packaging, labelling and handling. It also extends the classification and packaging methods to such components, where currently existing standards are not required or not appropriate. For such cases this standard introduces additional moisture sensitivity levels and an alternative method for packaging. This standard applies to devices intended for reflow soldering, like surface mount devices, including specific through-hole devices (where the device supplier has specifically documented support for reflow soldering), but not to semiconductor devices and devices for flow (wave) soldering. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (2015) and its amendment 1 (2018). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.
归口单位: TC 91