Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1016 of 14 June 2017 amending Annexes II, III and IV to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for benzovindiflupyr, chlorantraniliprole, deltamethrin, ethofumesate, haloxyfop, Mild Pepino Mosaic Virus isolate VC1, Mild Pepino Mosaic Virus isolate VX1, oxathiapiprolin, penthiopyrad, pyraclostrobin, spirotetramat, sunflower oil, tolclofos-methyl an
2017年6月14日第2017/1016号委员会法规(EU)修订了欧洲议会和理事会第396/2005号法规(EC)附件二、三和四 涉及苯并维二氟吡啉、毒虫苯甲酰苯胺、溴氰菊酯、乙富马酸乙酯、卤代磷、轻度佩皮诺花叶病毒分离物VC1、轻度佩皮诺花叶病毒分离物VX1、oxathiaproprin、戊硫脲、吡咯啉的最大残留量 螺曲美酯、葵花籽油、甲基甲苯氯磷
Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1016 of 14 June 2017 amending Annexes II, III and IV to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for benzovindiflupyr, chlorantraniliprole, deltamethrin, ethofumesate, haloxyfop, Mild Pepino Mosaic Virus isolate VC1, Mild Pepino Mosaic Virus isolate VX1, oxathiapiprolin, penthiopyrad, pyraclostrobin, spirotetramat, sunflower oil, tolclofos-methyl and trinexapac in or on certain products (Text with EEA relevance. )