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现行 ASTM D6984-18e1
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIF, Spark-Ignition Engine 按IIIF顺序评定汽车发动机油的标准试验方法 火花点火发动机
发布日期: 2018-04-01
1.1 本试验方法涵盖了一种发动机试验程序,用于评估汽车发动机机油的某些高温性能特征,包括机油增稠、清漆沉积、油耗以及发动机磨损。这些机油包括单粘度级和多粘度级机油,用于火花点火、汽油发动机以及柴油发动机。 注1: SAE J304中讨论了用于根据规范要求评估发动机机油性能的配套试验方法。 1.2 以国际单位制表示的数值应视为标准值。本标准不包括其他计量单位。 1.2.1 例外情况- 环隙测量用英寸表示的值应视为标准值,并且在没有直接国际单位制等效值的情况下,如螺纹、国家管道螺纹/直径、管道尺寸或单源供应设备规范。 1.3 本试验方法安排如下: 主题 部分 范围 1. 参考文件 2. 术语 3. 试验方法总结 4. 意义和用途 5. 仪器 6. 实验室 6.1 图画 6.2 指定设备 6.3 测试发动机 6.4 发动机零件 6.4.1 发动机转速和扭矩控制 6.5 序列IIIF流体调节模块 6.6 发动机冷却系统 6.6.1 冲洗槽 6.7 冷却液混合箱 6.8 冷凝器冷却系统 6.9 发动机机油冷却系统 6.10 燃油系统 6.11 进气湿度、温度和压力 6.12 温度测量 6.13 热电偶位置 6.13.1 空燃比测定 6.14 喷油器流量测试 6.14.1 排气和排气背压系统 6. 15 窜气流量测量 6.16 压力测量和压力传感器位置 6.17 试剂和材料 7. 试验燃料 7.1 发动机和冷凝器冷却液 7.2 冷却剂添加剂 7.3 冷却液准备 7.4 测试前清洁材料 7.5 密封和防卡化合物 7.6 测试油样要求 8. 仪器的准备 9 冷凝器清洁 9.1 进气歧管清洁 9.3 清洁发动机零件(缸体和缸盖除外) 9.4 发动机缸体清洁 9.5 气缸盖清洁 9.6 发动机装配程序 9.7 一般信息 9.7.1 特殊零件 9.7.2 硬件信息 9.7.3 紧固件扭矩规格和扭矩程序 9.7.4 零件更换 9.8 发动机缸体准备 9.9 活塞装配和编号 9.10 活塞环接头 9.10.1 预测试凸轮轴和挺杆测量值 9.11 凸轮轴轴承安装 9.12 凸轮轴安装 9.13 主轴承 9.14 曲轴安装 9.14.1 主轴承盖安装 9.14.2 曲轴链轮 9.15 凸轮轴链轮和正时链条 9.16 曲轴端隙 9.17 活塞销安装 9.18 活塞安装 9.18.1 谐波平衡器 9.19 连杆轴承 9.20 发动机前盖 9.21 冷却液进口适配器 9.22 油尺孔 9.23 油底壳 9.24 气缸盖总成 9.25 气门弹簧力的调整 9.26 气缸盖安装 9.27 液压气门挺杆 9.28 推杆 9.29 配气机构负载 9.30 进气歧管 9.31 摇臂盖 9.32 进水口适配器 9.33 冷凝器 9.34 冷却液出口适配器 9.35 外部油冷却系统 9.36 油样阀 9.37 点火系统 9.38 节气门 9.39 附件驱动装置 9.40 排气歧管,水冷 9.41 发动机飞轮 9.42 发动机冷却液系统的压力检查 9.43 组装发动机的起吊 9.44 将发动机安装在测试台上 9.45 外部冷却系统清洁 9.46 发动机冷却液水套清洁(冲洗) 9.47 冷却液加注 9.48 测试充油 9.49 发动机机油泵注油 9.50 标定 10 实验室和发动机试验台校准 10.1 标准油的测试 10.2 参考油测试频率 10.3 参考油测试结果的评估 10.4 相对于参考油的非参考油测试状态 机油测试 10.5 用于非标准试验的试验台状态 10.6 数据采集和控制 10.7 采样率 10.7.1 测量精度 10.7.2 温度 10.7.3 压力 10.7.4 流 10.7.5 速度 10.7.6 大量 10.7.7 测量分辨率 10.7.8 系统时间响应 10.7.9 质量指标 10.7.10 发动机操作程序 11 油尺和孔塞 11.1 油尺孔O形圈 11.2 发动机启动和关闭程序 11.3 启动 11.4 计划停机 11.5 非计划停机 11.6 油样 11.7 机油调平 11.8 空燃比测量和控制 11.9 空燃比验证 11.10 窜气流量测量 11.11 不 x 确定 11.12 数据记录 11.13 初始运行(10分钟) 11.14 发动机机油质量测试(80小时) 11.15 测试终止 11.16 测试结果的确定 12 发动机拆解 12.2 准备零件以进行粘附、沉积、, 和堵塞 12.3 活塞沉积额定值 12.4 测试后凸轮轴和挺杆磨损测量 12.5 测试结束使用的油样测试 12.6 粘度测试 12.7 测试油样的磨损金属 12.8 窜气流量测量 12.9 油耗计算 12.10 测试零件的照片 12.11 代表性测试零件的保留 12.12 严重性调整 12.13 操作有效性的确定 12.14 汇报 13 报告表格 13.1 报告单位的精度 13.4 与试验操作极限的偏差 13.3 精度和偏差 14 关键词 15 附件 ASTM测试监测中心-组织 附件A1 ASTM测试监测中心-校准程序 附件A2 ASTM测试监测中心-维护活动 附件A3 ASTM测试监测中心-相关信息 附件A4 序列IIIF测试零件更换指南 附件A5 序列IIIF确定油底壳中发动机机油的体积 附录A6 序列IIIF测试燃料分析 附件A7 序列IIIF测试报告表和数据字典 附录A8 序列IIIF测试空燃比控制流程图 附录A9 序列IIIF测试设定值和控制状态 附件A10 序列IIIF质量指数上限和下限值 附录A11 序列IIIF发动机机油油位工作表 附录A12 引擎构建工作表 附录A13 窜气流量测定 附录A14 安全注意事项 附录A15 序列IIIF蓝图清单 附录A16 流体调节模块部件 附录A17 发动机机油冷却系统配置 附录A18 遵循先进先出标准的硬件指南 附录A19 附录 序列IIIFHD测试程序 附录X1 序列IIIFVIS测试程序 附录X2 1.4 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的用户有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 1.5 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 本试验方法旨在评估汽车发动机机油在中等高速、高温条件下防止机油增厚和发动机磨损的性能。 5.2 本试验方法中获得的油粘度增加表明,由于氧化,油有变稠的趋势。在汽车服务中,这种增厚可能会导致油泵不足,并导致灾难性的发动机故障。 5.3 机油的沉积物额定值表示整个发动机中沉积物的形成趋势,包括可能导致活塞环卡在其凹槽中的沉积物。这可能涉及发动机中压缩压力的损失。 5.4 在本试验方法中获得的凸轮轴和挺杆磨损值提供了在高单位压力机械接触条件下油的抗磨质量测量值。 5.5 开发该测试方法是为了与已知良好和较差的机油进行关联,以防机油变稠和发动机磨损。在本试验方法的开发过程中,还使用了使用无铅燃料产生不理想结果的特殊配方油。 5.6 序列IIIF发动机机油测试已取代序列IIIE测试,可用于发动机润滑油的规格和分类,例如: 5.6.1 规格 D4485 , 5.6.2 军用规范MIL-PRF-2104,以及 5.6.3 SAE J183分类。
1.1 This test method covers an engine test procedure for evaluating automotive engine oils for certain high-temperature performance characteristics, including oil thickening, varnish deposition, oil consumption, as well as engine wear. Such oils include both single viscosity grade and multiviscosity grade oils that are used in both spark-ignition, gasoline-fueled engines, as well as in diesel engines. Note 1: Companion test methods used to evaluate engine oil performance for specification requirements are discussed in SAE J304. 1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.2.1 Exceptions— The values stated in inches for ring gap measurements are to be regarded as standard, and where there is no direct SI equivalent such as screw threads, National Pipe Threads/diameters, tubing size, or single source supply equipment specifications. 1.3 This test method is arranged as follows: Subject Section Scope 1 Referenced Documents 2 Terminology 3 Summary of Test Method 4 Significance and Use 5 Apparatus 6 Laboratory 6.1 Drawings 6.2 Specified Equipment 6.3 Test Engine 6.4 Engine Parts 6.4.1 Engine Speed and Torque Control 6.5 Sequence IIIF Fluid Conditioning Module 6.6 Engine Cooling System 6.6.1 Flushing Tank 6.7 Coolant Mixing Tank 6.8 Condenser Cooling Systems 6.9 Engine Oil-Cooling System 6.10 Fuel System 6.11 Induction Air Supply Humidity, Temperature, and Pressure 6.12 Temperature Measurement 6.13 Thermocouple Location 6.13.1 Air-to-Fuel Ratio Determination 6.14 Injector Flow Testing 6.14.1 Exhaust and Exhaust Back Pressure Systems 6.15 Blowby Flow Rate Measurement 6.16 Pressure Measurement and Pressure Sensor Location 6.17 Reagents and Materials 7 Test Fuel 7.1 Engine and Condenser Coolant 7.2 Coolant Additive 7.3 Coolant Preparation 7.4 Pre-Test Cleaning Materials 7.5 Sealing and Anti-seize Compounds 7.6 Test Oil Sample Requirements 8 Preparation of Apparatus 9 Condenser Cleaning 9.1 Intake Manifold Cleaning 9.3 Cleaning of Engine Parts (other than the block and heads) 9.4 Engine Block Cleaning 9.5 Cylinder Head Cleaning 9.6 Engine Build-up Procedure 9.7 General Information 9.7.1 Special Parts 9.7.2 Hardware Information 9.7.3 Fastener Torque Specifications and Torquing Procedures 9.7.4 Parts Replacement 9.8 Engine Block Preparation 9.9 Piston Fitting and Numbering 9.10 Piston Ring Fitting 9.10.1 Pre-Test Camshaft and Lifter Measurements 9.11 Camshaft Bearing Installation 9.12 Camshaft Installation 9.13 Main Bearings 9.14 Crankshaft Installation 9.14.1 Main Bearing Cap Installation 9.14.2 Crankshaft Sprocket 9.15 Camshaft Sprocket and Timing Chain 9.16 Crankshaft End Play 9.17 Piston Pin Installation 9.18 Piston Installation 9.18.1 Harmonic Balancer 9.19 Connecting Rod Bearings 9.20 Engine Front Cover 9.21 Coolant Inlet Adapter 9.22 Oil Dipstick Hole 9.23 Oil Pan 9.24 Cylinder Head Assembly 9.25 Adjustment of Valve Spring Forces 9.26 Cylinder Head Installation 9.27 Hydraulic Valve Lifters 9.28 Pushrods 9.29 Valve Train Loading 9.30 Intake Manifold 9.31 Rocker Covers 9.32 Water Inlet Adapter 9.33 Condenser 9.34 Coolant Outlet Adapter 9.35 External Oil Cooling System 9.36 Oil Sample Valve 9.37 Ignition System 9.38 Throttle Body 9.39 Accessory Drive Units 9.40 Exhaust Manifolds, Water-Cooled 9.41 Engine Flywheel 9.42 Pressure Checking of Engine Coolant System 9.43 Lifting of Assembled Engines 9.44 Mounting the Engine on the Test Stand 9.45 External Cooling System Cleaning 9.46 Engine Coolant Jacket Cleaning (Flushing) 9.47 Coolant Charging 9.48 Test Oil Charging 9.49 Engine Oil Pump Priming 9.50 Calibration 10 Laboratory and Engine Test Stand Calibration 10.1 Testing of Reference Oils 10.2 Reference Oil Test Frequency 10.3 Evaluation of Reference Oil Test Results 10.4 Status of Non-Reference Oil Tests Relative to Reference Oil Test 10.5 Status of Test Stands Used for Non-Standard Tests 10.6 Data Acquisition and Control 10.7 Sample Rate 10.7.1 Measurement Accuracy 10.7.2 Temperature 10.7.3 Pressure 10.7.4 Flow 10.7.5 Speed 10.7.6 Mass 10.7.7 Measurement Resolution 10.7.8 System Time Response 10.7.9 Quality Index 10.7.10 Engine Operating Procedure 11 Dipstick and Hole Plug 11.1 Dipstick Hole O-ring 11.2 Engine Start-up and Shutdown Procedures 11.3 Start-up 11.4 Scheduled Shutdown 11.5 Non-Scheduled Shutdowns 11.6 Oil Sampling 11.7 Oil Leveling 11.8 Air-to-Fuel-Ratio Measurement and Control 11.9 Air-to-Fuel Ratio Verification 11.10 Blowby Flow Rate Measurement 11.11 NO x Determinations 11.12 Data Recording 11.13 Initial Run (10 min) 11.14 Engine Oil Quality Testing (80 h) 11.15 Test Termination 11.16 Determination of Test Results 12 Engine Disassembly 12.2 Preparation of Parts for Rating of Sticking, Deposits, and Plugging 12.3 Piston Deposit Ratings 12.4 Post-Test Camshaft and Lifter Wear Measurements 12.5 End-of Test Used Oil Sample Testing 12.6 Viscosity Test 12.7 Testing Oil Samples for Wear Metals 12.8 Blowby Flow Rate Measurements 12.9 Oil Consumption Computation 12.10 Photographs of Test Parts 12.11 Retention of Representative Test Parts 12.12 Severity Adjustments 12.13 Determination of Operational Validity 12.14 Report 13 Report Forms 13.1 Precision of Reported Units 13.4 Deviations from Test Operational Limits 13.3 Precision and Bias 14 Keywords 15 Annexes ASTM Test Monitoring Center – Organization Annex A1 ASTM Test Monitoring Center – Calibration Procedures Annex A2 ASTM Test Monitoring Center – Maintenance Activities Annex A3 ASTM Test Monitoring Center – Related Information Annex A4 Sequence IIIF Test Parts Replacement Guidelines Annex A5 Sequence IIIF Determination Volume of Engine Oil in Pan Annex A6 Sequence IIIF Test Fuel Analysis Annex A7 Sequence IIIF Test Report Forms and Data Dictionary Annex A8 Sequence IIIF Test Air-to-Fuel Ratio Control Flow Chart Annex A9 Sequence IIIF Test Set Points and Control States Annex A10 Sequence IIIF Quality Index Upper and Lower Values Annex A11 Sequence IIIF Engine Oil Level Worksheet Annex A12 Engine Build Worksheets Annex A13 Blowby Flow Rate Determination Annex A14 Safety Precautions Annex A15 Sequence IIIF Blueprint Listing Annex A16 Fluid Conditioning Module Components Annex A17 Engine Oil Cooling System Configuration Annex A18 Guidelines For Hardware Subject To First-In/First-Out Criteria Annex A19 Appendixes Sequence IIIFHD Test Procedure Appendix X1 Sequence IIIFVIS Test Procedure Appendix X2 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 This test method was developed to evaluate automotive engine oils for protection against oil thickening and engine wear during moderately high-speed, high-temperature service. 5.2 The increase in oil viscosity obtained in this test method indicates the tendency of an oil to thicken because of oxidation. In automotive service, such thickening can cause oil pump starvation and resultant catastrophic engine failures. 5.3 The deposit ratings for an oil indicate the tendency for the formation of deposits throughout the engine, including those that can cause sticking of the piston rings in their grooves. This can be involved in the loss of compression pressures in the engine. 5.4 The camshaft and lifter wear values obtained in this test method provide a measure of the anti-wear quality of an oil under conditions of high unit pressure mechanical contact. 5.5 The test method was developed to correlate with oils of known good and poor protection against oil thickening and engine wear. Specially formulated oils that produce less than desirable results with unleaded fuels were also used during the development of this test method. 5.6 The Sequence IIIF engine oil test has replaced the Sequence IIIE test and can be used in specifications and classifications of engine lubricating oils, such as: 5.6.1 Specification D4485 , 5.6.2 Military Specification MIL-PRF-2104, and 5.6.3 SAE Classification J183.
归口单位: D02.B0.01
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