This paper discusses one of the measurable water conservation initiatives implemented by the Orange County
Utilities Water Division called "The Water Watch Program". The primary purpose of this program is
to promote water conservation awareness by patrolling residential and commercial properties on
water-restricted days and evenings (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays). The program began in May 2001. A contract company, Voltview Tech, was hired
for a six-month period. This contract includes the services of two part-time staff persons, one full
time supervisor and a project manager. Also included is the weekly mileage for the staff. Water
Watch personnel became familiar with the mandatory water restrictions and the water shortage
orders from the St. Johns River Water Management District and the South Florida Water
Management District. Staff received service area maps of the unincorporated portions of Orange
County so they would know what areas needed to be patrolled. In October 2003, a new company
"East Central Florida RC & D" was contracted to perform the Water Watch functions.
Water Watch personnel were issued Water Watch uniforms as well as identification badges.
Two staff members work during the day between 9:30 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. The third staff
member works the evening hours between midnight and 10:00 A.M. Staff reports to the
supervisor at the beginning and end of each shift. Updates on specific violations that have been
written are given and paperwork is turned in. This information is entered into a detailed database
designed for this program.