Mechanical vibration. Measurement of vibration on ships-Measurement and evaluation of vibration of the ship propulsion machinery
机械振动 船舶振动测量
交叉引用:ISO 2041:2009ISO 3046-5ISO 7919-3ISO 8528-9ISO 8579-2ISO 10816-1:1995ISO 10816-2ISO 10816-3ISO 10816-4ISO 10816-6:1995IACS UR M68VDI 3838包含以下内容:修订,2014年10月。修订并取代BS ISO 20283-4:2012
Cross References:ISO 2041:2009ISO 3046-5ISO 7919-3ISO 8528-9ISO 8579-2ISO 10816-1:1995ISO 10816-2ISO 10816-3ISO 10816-4ISO 10816-6:1995IACS UR M68VDI 3838Incorporates the following:Amendment, October 2014. Amends and replaces BS ISO 20283-4:2012