Microbiology of the food chain — Enumeration of Brochothrix spp. — Colony-count technique
食物链的微生物学 - Brochothrix spp - 殖民统计技术
ISO 13722:2017规定了一种计数活Brochothrix spp的方法。通过菌落计数技术。
ISO 13722:2017特别适用于肉类和肉制品,但也适用于以下检查:
ISO 13722:2017 specifies a method for the enumeration of viable Brochothrix spp. by means of a colony-count technique.
ISO 13722:2017 is especially applicable to meat and meat products, but is also suitable for the examination of the following:
- other products intended for human consumption,
- products intended for animal feeding,
- environmental samples in the area of food and feed production, handling, and
- samples from the primary production stage.