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现行 32011R0969
Commission Regulation (EU) No 969/2011 of 29 September 2011 initiating a review of Implementing Regulation of the Council (EU) No 400/2010 (extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EC) No 1858/2005 on imports of steel ropes and cables originating, inter alia, in the People's Republic of China to imports of steel ropes and cables consigned from the Republic of Korea, whether declared as originating in the Republic of Korea 2011年9月29日第969/2011号委员会条例(欧盟)启动了对第400/2010号理事会(欧盟)条例实施情况的审查(将第1858/2005号条例(EC)对原产于中华人民共和国的进口钢丝绳和电缆征收的最终反倾销税扩展至从大韩民国托运的进口钢丝绳和电缆 是否宣布原产于大韩民国
发布日期: 2011-09-29
2011年9月29日第969/2011号委员会条例(欧盟)启动了对第400/2010号理事会(欧盟)条例实施情况的审查(将第1858/2005号条例(EC)对原产于中华人民共和国的进口钢丝绳和电缆征收的最终反倾销税扩展至从大韩民国托运的进口钢丝绳和电缆,无论是否被宣布为原产于大韩民国),以确定是否有可能向一个韩国出口商授予这些措施的豁免,废除反倾销措施- 对来自该出口商的进口产品征收倾销税,并对来自该出口商的进口产品进行登记
Commission Regulation (EU) No 969/2011 of 29 September 2011 initiating a review of Implementing Regulation of the Council (EU) No 400/2010 (extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Regulation (EC) No 1858/2005 on imports of steel ropes and cables originating, inter alia, in the People's Republic of China to imports of steel ropes and cables consigned from the Republic of Korea, whether declared as originating in the Republic of Korea or not) for the purposes of determining the possibility of granting an exemption from those measures to one Korean exporter, repealing the anti-dumping duty with regard to imports from that exporter and making imports from that exporter subject to registration
归口单位: European Commission
EU 1164-2011
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1164/2011 of 15 November 2011 initiating a review of Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 723/2011 (extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Council Regulation (EC) No 91/2009 on imports of certain iron or steel fasteners originating in the People’s Republic of China to imports of certain iron or steel fasteners consigned from Malaysia, whether declared as originating in Malaysia or not) for the purpo
2011年11月15日第1164/2011号委员会条例(欧盟)启动了对第723/2011号理事会实施条例(欧盟)的审查(将第91/2009号理事会条例(EC)对原产于中华人民共和国的某些进口钢铁紧固件征收的最终反倾销税延长至从马来西亚托运的某些进口钢铁紧固件 无论是否声明为原产于马来西亚)
EU 1135-2011
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1135/2011 of 9 November 2011 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 791/2011 on imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres originating in the People’s Republic of China by imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres consigned from Malaysia, whether declared as originating in Malaysia or not, and m
2011年11月9日第1135/2011号委员会条例(欧盟)发起调查 涉及可能规避理事会实施第791/2011号条例(欧盟)对从马来西亚托运的某些玻璃纤维网布进口源自中华人民共和国的某些玻璃纤维网布实施的反倾销措施 无论是否宣布原产于马来西亚 以及
EU 749-2011
Commission Regulation (EU) No 749/2011 of 29 July 2011 amending Regulation (EU) No 142/2011 implementing Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down health rules as regards animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption and implementing Council Directive 97/78/EC as regards certain samples and items exempt from veterinary checks at the border under that Directive Text with EEA
2011年7月29日第749/2011号委员会法规(EU)修订了第142/2011号法规(EU)执行欧洲议会和理事会第1069/2009号法规(EC) 规定了关于非人类消费的动物副产品和衍生产品的卫生规则 并执行了关于豁免兽医检查的某些样品和物品的第97/78/EC号理事会指令在该指令文本下与欧洲经济区进行边境检查
EU 875-2012
Commission Regulation (EU) No 875/2012 of 25 September 2012 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 990/2011 on imports of bicycles originating in the People's Republic of China by imports of bicycles consigned from Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Tunisia, whether declared as originating in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Tunisia or not, an
2012年9月25日第875/2012号委员会条例(欧盟)启动了一项调查 涉及从印度尼西亚、马来西亚、斯里兰卡和突尼斯托运的进口自行车可能规避理事会执行第990/2011号条例(欧盟)对原产于中华人民共和国的进口自行车实施的反倾销措施 无论是否被宣布为原产于印度尼西亚、马来西亚、斯里兰卡和突尼斯
EU 477-2011
Commission Regulation (EU) No 477/2011 of 17 May 2011 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 511/2010 on imports of certain molybdenum wires originating in the People’s Republic of China by imports of certain molybdenum wires consigned from Malaysia and Switzerland, whether declared as originating in Malaysia and Switzerland or not, and making s
2011年5月17日第477/2011号委员会条例(欧盟)启动了一项调查 涉及从马来西亚和瑞士托运的某些钼丝可能规避理事会执行条例(欧盟)第511/2010号对原产于中华人民共和国的某些钼丝的进口所施加的反倾销措施 是否声明原产于马来西亚和瑞士 以及
EU 2346-2015
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2346 of 15 December 2015 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1008/2011, as amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 372/2013, on imports of hand pallet trucks and their essential parts originating in the People's Republic of China by imports of slightly modified hand pallet trucks origina
2015年12月15日第2015/2346号委员会实施条例(EU)启动了关于可能规避第1008/2011号理事会实施条例(EU)实施的反倾销措施的调查 并经第372/2013号理事会实施条例(EU)修订 通过进口经轻微改装的手动托盘车进口原产于中华人民共和国的手动托盘车及其主要部件
EU 32-2014
Commission Regulation (EU) No 32/2014 of 14 January 2014 initiating a ‘new exporter’ review of Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1008/2011 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of hand pallet trucks and their essential parts originating in the People’s Republic of China as amended by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 372/2013, repealing the duty with regard to imports of one exporter in this country and making such import
2014年1月14日第32/2014号委员会条例(EU)启动了对第1008/2011号理事会实施条例(EU)的“新出口商”审查 该条例根据第372/2013号理事会实施条例(EU)修订 对原产于中华人民共和国的进口手动托盘卡车及其关键部件征收最终反倾销税 废除对该国一个出口商的进口关税 并进行此类进口
EU 197-2011
2011/197/EU: Commission Decision of 29 March 2011 pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the adequate level of protection provided by Japan for personal data transferred from the European Union in the specific cases of transfer by the European Commission to Japanese customs authorities under Decision No 1/2010 of the Joint Customs Cooperation Committee pursuant to Article 21 of the Agreement betwee
2011/197/EU:2011年3月29日根据欧洲议会和理事会第45/2001号条例(EC)作出的委员会决定 关于在欧盟委员会根据联合海关合作第1/2010号决定向日本海关当局转移的具体案件中 日本对从欧盟转移的个人数据提供充分保护的程度根据双方协议第21条成立的委员会
EU 1262-2018
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1262 of 20 September 2018 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the extension of the approval periods of the active substances 1-methylcyclopropene, beta-cyfluthrin, chlorothalonil, chlorotoluron, clomazone, cypermethrin, daminozide, deltamethrin, dimethenamid-p, diuron, fludioxonil, flufenacet, flurtamone, fosthiazate, indoxacarb, MCPA, MCPB, prosulfocarb, thiophanate-methyl and
2018年9月20日委员会实施条例(EU)2018/1262修订了第540/2011号实施条例(EU) 涉及延长活性物质1-甲基环丙烯、β-氟氯氰菊酯、百菌清、绿麦隆、异恶草酮、氯氰菊酯、达米诺齐特、溴氰菊酯、二甲脒-p、敌草隆、氟二氧嘧啶、氟苯那西特、氟他蒙、磷噻嗪、 吲哚甲威、二甲基甲丙烯酸酐、二甲基甲丙烯酸酐、前硫脲、甲基托布津和
EU 1266-2018
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1266 of 20 September 2018 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the extension of the approval periods of the active substances 1-decanol, 6-benzyladenine, aluminium sulfate, azadirachtin, bupirimate, carboxin, clethodim, cycloxydim, dazomet, diclofop, dithianon, dodine, fenazaquin, fluometuron, flutriafol, hexythiazox, hymexazol, indolylbutyric acid, isoxaben, lime sulphur, metal
2018年9月20日委员会实施条例(EU)2018/1266修订了第540/2011号实施条例(EU) 涉及延长活性物质1-癸醇、6-苄基腺嘌呤、硫酸铝、印楝素、丁吡咪酯、卡波辛、clethodim、环氧定、咪唑、双氯福平、二噻农、多丁、芬那喹、氟甲隆、氟三唑、噻噻唑酮、海松唑、 吲哚丁酸、异恶苯、石灰硫、金属
EU 1514-2017
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/1514 of 31 August 2017 initiating a review of Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1371/2013 (extending the definitive anti-dumping duty imposed by Implementing Regulation (EU) No 791/2011 on imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres originating in the People's Republic of China to imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres consigned from India and Indonesia, whether declared as
2017年8月31日第2017/1514号委员会实施条例(EU)启动对第1371/2013号委员会实施条例(EU)的审查(将第791/2011号实施条例(EU)对原产于中华人民共和国的某些玻璃纤维网眼布的进口征收的最终反倾销税延长至对某些玻璃纤维网眼布的进口征收的最终反倾销税)从印度和印度尼西亚发货 无论是否声明为
EU 823-2012
Commission Regulation (EU) No 823/2012 of 14 September 2012 derogating from Implementing Regulation (EU) No 540/2011 as regards the expiry dates of the approval of the active substances 2,4-DB, benzoic acid, beta-cyfluthrin, carfentrazone ethyl, Coniothyrium minitans Strain CON/M/91-08 (DSM 9660), cyazofamid, cyfluthrin, deltamethrin, dimethenamid-P, ethofumesate, ethoxysulfuron, fenamidone, flazasulfuron, flufenacet, flurtamone, foramsulfuron, f
2012年9月14日第823/2012号委员会法规(EU)减损了第540/2011号实施法规(EU) 关于活性物质2,4-DB、苯甲酸、β-氟氯氰菊酯、卡芬太宗乙基、迷你锥孢菌菌株CON/M/91-08(DSM 9660)、三唑烷、氟氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、二甲酰胺-P、乙富马酸、乙氧磺隆、芬胺酮、 flazasulfuron flufenacet flurtamone foramsulfuron f
EU 1356-2013
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1356/2013 of 17 December 2013 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 791/2011 on imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres originating in the People’s Republic of China by imports of certain slightly modified open mesh fabrics of glass fibres originating in the People’s Republic of China, and making such
2013年12月17日第1356/2013号委员会条例(EU)启动调查 调查是否可能规避理事会实施条例(EU)第791/2011号对进口某些原产于中华人民共和国的玻璃纤维开孔网布实施的反倾销措施 该条例通过进口某些经轻微改性的玻璃纤维开孔网布实施原产于中华人民共和国
EU 437-2012
Commission Regulation (EU) No 437/2012 of 23 May 2012 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 791/2011 on imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres originating in the People's Republic of China by imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres consigned from Taiwan and Thailand, whether declared as originating in Taiwan and Thail
2012年5月23日第437/2012号委员会条例(EU)启动调查 涉及可能规避理事会实施条例(EU)第791/2011号对从台湾托运的某些玻璃纤维网眼布进口源自中华人民共和国的某些玻璃纤维网眼布所施加的反倾销措施 以及泰国 无论是否宣布原产于台湾和泰国
EU 322-2013
Commission Regulation (EU) No 322/2013 of 9 April 2013 initiating an investigation concerning the possible circumvention of anti-dumping measures imposed by Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 791/2011 on imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres originating in the People’s Republic of China by imports of certain open mesh fabrics of glass fibres consigned from India and Indonesia, whether declared as originating in India and Indon
2013年4月9日第322/2013号委员会条例(EU)发起调查 涉及可能规避理事会实施第791/2011号条例(EU)对从印度和中国托运的某些玻璃纤维网眼布进口原产于中华人民共和国的某些玻璃纤维网眼布实施的反倾销措施印度尼西亚 无论是否宣布原产于印度和印度
EU 1000-2010
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1000/2010 of 3 November 2010 derogating from Regulations (EC) No 2402/96, (EC) No 2058/96, (EC) No 2305/2003, (EC) No 969/2006, (EC) No 1918/2006, (EC) No 1964/2006, (EC) No 27/2008, (EC) No 1067/2008 and (EC) No 828/2009 as regards the dates for lodging import licence applications and issuing import licences in 2011 under tariff quotas for sweet potatoes, manioc starch, manioc, cereals, rice, sugar and olive oil and
2010年11月3日第1000/2010号欧盟委员会条例(EC)减损了第2402/96号(EC)条例、(EC)第2058/96号、(EC)第2305/2003号、(EC)第969/2006号、(EC)第1918/2006号、(EC)第1964/2006号、(EC)第27/2008号、(EC)第1067/2008号和(EC)第828/2009号条例中关于2011年根据红薯关税配额提交进口许可证申请和颁发进口许可证的日期 木薯淀粉、木薯、谷物、大米、糖和橄榄油以及