Introductory Text1.Citation and commencement2.Amendment of Regulations3.General eligibility for membership: employees of Scheme employersetc.4.Agreements to enable employees of non-Scheme employers to be members (“admission agreements”)5.Further restrictions on eligibility6.Periods of membership: “total membership”7.Meaning of “pay”8.Calculations9.Retirement after the normal retirement date10.Ill health11.Death grants12.Power of employing authority to increase total membership of members leaving employment at or after 5013.Elections to pay Additional Voluntary Contributions14.Special circumstances where revised actuarial valuations and certificates must be obtained15.First instance decisions16.Eligibility for active membership: employees etc. of non-Scheme employers17.Supplementary provisions about employees within regulation 12718.Members employed by magistrates' courts committees19.Certain employees of the committee of magistrates for the inner London area20.Coroners21.Interpretation22.Scheme Employers23.Right to opt out24.The Local Government Pension Scheme (Transitional Provisions) Regulations 199725.The Local Government Pension Scheme (Provision of Information, Administrative Expenses and Restitution) Regulations 1997SignatureExplanatory Note