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现行 ASTM C780-23
Standard Test Methods for Preconstruction and Construction Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit Masonry 普通和加筋砌块用灰浆的预施工和施工评定的标准试验方法
发布日期: 2023-07-01
1.1 这些试验方法包括在砂浆实际用于施工之前或施工期间对其成分及其塑性和硬化性能进行取样和试验的程序。 注1: 指导 1586年 提供了评估砂浆的指导,并阐明了这些测试方法和规范的目的 第270页 。 注2: 执行这些测试方法的测试机构应根据实践进行评估 1093年 。 1.2 施工前评估- 这些试验方法允许在模拟现场条件下对不同材料制成的砂浆进行比较。它们还被用来确定实地迫击炮比较评估的基准值。 1.3 施工评价- 这些方法在现场的应用为现场混合砂浆的质量保证提供了一种手段。其中包括验证砂浆配合比、将现场砂浆试验结果与施工前试验进行比较以及确定批次的方法- 以使砂浆的批次均匀性。 1.4 根据规范中的性能规范,在这些试验方法下获得的试验结果不需要满足最小压缩值 第270页 。 1.5 以英寸磅为单位的数值应视为标准。括号中给出的值是国际单位制的数学转换,仅供参考,不被视为标准。 1.6 本标准的文本引用了提供解释性材料的注释和脚注。这些注释和脚注(不包括表和图中的注释和脚注)不应被视为本标准的要求。 1.7 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题(如有)。本标准的使用者有责任在使用前制定适当的安全、健康和环境实践,并确定监管限制的适用性。 有关具体危险说明,请参阅第节 8. 。 1.8 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 5.1 在施工前和施工评估期间,使用这些测试方法确定了砂浆系统的具体和整体性能特征。 5.2 按重量预匹配砂浆的施工前测试为选择最适合待施工砌体的单个砂浆系统提供了信息。建议的试验及其重要性如下: 5.2.1 通过圆锥贯入度测定稠度( 附件A1 )允许测量施工前测试系列中所有砂浆的加水量。 即使在施工现场测得的砂浆稠度与施工前测试期间测得的渗透值不同,锥形制备测试也有助于标准化施工前被视为替代品的砂浆的加水量。砂浆含水量一致性关系的附加测试( 附件A4 )将允许将这两个因素与施工现场的批次间变化联系起来。 5.2.2 锥形渗透保持稠度( 附件A2 )使用扰动或未扰动的砂浆样品提供了一种确定砂浆早期凝固和硬化特性的方法。由于实验室测试是在静态气候条件下进行的,稠度保持测试结果反映了测试中砂浆系统的相对性能。在施工项目的测试过程中,除了受现场天气条件的影响外,预计也会保持相同的一般关系。 5.2.3 砂浆含水量测定( 附件A4 )允许测量砂浆混合物的含水量。可以通过数学方法分析使用潮湿砌筑砂预配合的砂浆的含水量;然而,当用于施工前评估时,该测试确立了测试方法的有效性,并作为在施工现场进行测试的控制或基础。 5.2.4 砂浆骨料配比试验( 附件A4 )提供了一种用于确定集料与胶结材料的比率的方法。当使用一种以上的胶结材料时,该试验过程中使用的筛分操作无法分离单个胶结材料,但可以准确地确定混合物的骨料与胶结材料的比例。 5.2.5 砂浆含气量检测( 附件A5 )有助于确定砂浆中该成分的价值。 该试验对于评估含有加气硅酸盐水泥、加气石灰、砌筑水泥或其任何组合的砂浆具有特别重要的意义。 5.2.6 抗压强度测试( 附件A6 )成型砂浆圆柱体和立方体的特性确立了硬化砂浆的特性之一。砂浆抗压强度测试值不能代表组件中砂浆的实际抗压强度,也不适用于预测砌体组件中砂浆将达到的抗压强度。模制砂浆试样的抗压强度测量值几乎总是低于墙中相同砂浆的强度,这主要是由于砂浆含水量和试样形状的差异。砂浆抗压强度受凝结时砂浆含水量的影响。由于成型砂浆试样不与吸收性砌体单元接触,也不受其他失水机制的影响,因此其含水量高于墙内砂浆的含水量。 含水量越高,强度越低。试样尺寸和形状也会影响抗压强度。圆柱体和立方体即使由相同的砂浆混合物制成,也表现出不同的强度。这两种试样配置产生的强度都低于如果能够可靠地测试具有与典型砂浆接缝相同尺寸和配置的试样所获得的强度。 注3: 当对类似混合物的立方体和圆柱体试样进行比较时,圆柱体抗压强度约为85 % 立方体抗压强度的百分比。 5.3 实际施工期间的测试可采用中所述的一种或多种测试方法 4.2 在连续或间歇批次上使用这些测试方法进行重复测试,提供了一种测量砂浆生产中批次间变化的方法。实际施工期间的测试可参考实验室测试,并用于预测后期砂浆特性。 除了中的评论 5.2 ,建设项目试验可获得以下试验含义: 5.3.1 锥体穿透的稠度( 附件A1 )用作指示混合成分和混合时间的批次间变化的快速参考。不稳定的稠度读数表明配料和搅拌过程中控制不力,但并不表明水泥、沙子或水的添加是否不当。必须使用其他测试方法来隔离和识别不合格的配比或混合程序,例如水泥与骨料、砂浆水或空气含量测试。 5.3.2 锥形渗透保持稠度( 附件A2 )试验确定了砂浆的早期凝固和硬化特性。这些性能受混合比例和成分、天气条件、化学添加剂的影响以及混合时间的影响。 5.3.3 砂浆含水量的单独和重复评估( 附件A4 )显示了混合器操作员正确且一致地向混合器加水的能力。 5.3.4 砂浆骨料比例的单独和重复试验( 附件A4 )显示搅拌机操作员正确、一致地向搅拌机中添加胶结材料和沙子的能力,并将确定砂浆成分的逐批变化。 5.3.5 砂浆含气量的单独和重复试验( 附件A5 )显示了混合时间、混合效率和其他因素的变化所引起的变化。 5.3.6 抗压强度试验的比较( 附件A6 )根据本试验方法进行的现场配料砂浆与施工前砂浆压缩试验,可用于确定砂浆混合成分和/或比例的变化。抗压强度值的变化通常表明混合水含量、混合程序、混合材料、材料比例和环境条件的变化。 注4: 应预计现场取样砂浆的抗压强度测量值以及施工和施工前砂浆样品的抗压强度之间的变化。这些变化中的许多是从搅拌机或砂浆台取样砂浆产生的,并不一定转化为墙体中砂浆强度的显著变化。单元抽吸将去除墙内砂浆中的水分,养护条件不同。然而,测量的抗压强度值之间的显著变化应促使评估这种变化的可能原因。进行配套砂浆骨料比例测试将有助于确定混合成分和比例的变化是否是可能的原因。(参见 5.2.6 以获取附加信息)。
1.1 These test methods cover procedures for the sampling and testing of mortars for composition and for their plastic and hardened properties, either before or during their actual use in construction. Note 1: Guide C1586 provides guidance on evaluating mortar and clarifies the purpose of both these test methods and Specification C270 . Note 2: The testing agency performing these test methods should be evaluated in accordance with Practice C1093 . 1.2 Preconstruction Evaluation— These test methods permit comparisons of mortars made from different materials under simulated field conditions. They are also used to establish baseline values for comparative evaluation of field mortars. 1.3 Construction Evaluation— Use of these methods in the field provide a means for quality assurance of field-mixed mortar. They include methods for verifying the mortar mix proportions, comparing test results for field mortars to preconstruction testing, and determining batch-to-batch uniformity of the mortar. 1.4 The test results obtained under these test methods are not required to meet the minimum compressive values in accordance with the property specifications in Specification C270 . 1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.6 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be considered as requirements of the standard. 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazards statements, see Section 8 . 1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 5.1 During preconstruction and construction evaluations, use of these test methods establishes specific and overall performance characteristics for the mortar system. 5.2 Preconstruction testing of mortars prebatched by weight provides information for the selection of the individual mortar system best suited for the masonry to be constructed. The recommended tests and their significance are as follows: 5.2.1 Consistency determinations by cone penetration ( Annex A1 ) allow gaging the water additions for all mortars included in the preconstruction test series. Even if the mortar consistency as measured at the construction site is at a different penetration value than those measured during the preconstruction tests, the cone preparation test serves to standardize water additions for mortars being considered as alternatives before construction. Additional testing of mortar water content-consistency relationships ( Annex A4 ) will allow relating these two factors to batch-to-batch variations at the construction site. 5.2.2 Consistency retention by cone penetration ( Annex A2 ) using disturbed or undisturbed mortar samples provides a means of establishing the early-age setting and stiffening characteristics of the mortars. Because laboratory testing is conducted under static climatic conditions, consistency retention test results reflect the relative performance of the mortar systems under test. The same general relationships are expected to hold during testing at the construction project, except as they are influenced by jobsite weather conditions. 5.2.3 Mortar water-content determinations ( Annex A4 ) allow measurement of the water content of the mortar mixture. Mortars prebatched using moist masonry sand may be mathematically analyzed for mortar water content; however, this test, when used for preconstruction evaluation, establishes the effectiveness of the test method and serves as the control or base for tests performed at the construction site. 5.2.4 Mortar aggregate ratio testing ( Annex A4 ) provides a method for determining the ratio of aggregate-to-cementitious materials. The sieving operation employed during this test is incapable of separating an individual cementitious material when more than one such material is used, but can accurately establish the aggregate-to-cementitious materials ratio of the mixture. 5.2.5 Mortar air-content testing ( Annex A5 ) is useful in establishing the value of this component of the mortar. This test is of particular importance in evaluating mortars that contain air-entraining portland cement, air-entraining lime, masonry cement or any combination thereof. 5.2.6 Compressive strength testing ( Annex A6 ) of molded mortar cylinders and cubes establishes one of the characteristics of hardened mortar. Mortar compressive strength test values are not representative of the actual compressive strength of mortar in the assembly and are not appropriate for use in predicting the compressive strength that would be attained by the mortar in the masonry assembly. The measured compressive strength of a molded mortar specimen is almost always lower than the strength of the same mortar in the wall, primarily as a result of differences in mortar water content and specimen shape. Mortar compressive strength is influenced by mortar water content at the time of set. Because molded mortar specimens are not in contact with absorptive masonry units and are not subjected to other mechanisms of water loss, they have higher water contents than mortar in the wall. Higher water contents almost always result in lower strengths. Specimen size and shape also affect compressive strength. Cylinders and cubes exhibit different strengths even when made from the same mortar mix. Both of these specimen configurations yield lower strengths than what would be attained if a specimen having the same size and configuration of a typical mortar joint could be reliably tested. Note 3: When cube and cylinder test specimens from like mixtures are to be compared, the cylinder compressive strength is approximately 85 % of the cube compressive strength. 5.3 Testing during the actual construction may employ one or more of the test methods described in 4.2 . Repetitive testing using these test methods on consecutive or intermittent batches provides a method for measurement of batch-to-batch variations in the mortar production. Testing during actual construction may be referenced to laboratory testing and used to predict later age mortar characteristics. In addition to the comments in 5.2 , the following test meanings may be obtained from construction project testing: 5.3.1 Consistency by cone penetration ( Annex A1 ) is used as a quick reference for indicating batch-to-batch variations in mix ingredients and mixing time. Erratic consistency readings indicate poor control during batching and mixing, but they do not indicate if cement, sand, or water additions are improper. Other test methods must be used to isolate and identify the unsatisfactory proportioning or mixing procedure, for example, cement to aggregate, mortar water, or air content tests. 5.3.2 Consistency retention by cone penetration ( Annex A2 ) tests establishes the early-age setting and stiffening characteristics of the mortar. These properties are influenced by mix proportions and ingredients, weather conditions, effects of chemical additives, and mixing time. 5.3.3 Individual and repeated evaluations of mortar water content ( Annex A4 ) show the ability of the mixer operator to properly and consistently add water to the mixer. 5.3.4 Individual and repeated tests for mortar aggregate ratio ( Annex A4 ) show the ability of the mixer operator to properly and consistently add the cementitious material and sand to the mixer, and will establish batch-to-batch variations in the composition of the mortar. 5.3.5 Individual and repetitive tests for mortar air content ( Annex A5 ) show the changes caused by variations in mixing time, mixing efficiency and other factors. 5.3.6 Comparison of compressive strength tests ( Annex A6 ) of field batched mortars to preconstruction mortar compression tests, each conducted in accordance with this test method, can be used to identify variations in mortar mix constituents and/or proportions. Variations in compressive strength values typically indicate changes in mix water content, mixing procedures, mix materials, material proportions, and environmental conditions. Note 4: Variations in the measured compressive strengths of field-sampled mortar and between the measured compressive strengths of construction and pre-construction mortar samples should be expected. Many of these variations result from sampling mortar from the mixer or mortarboard and do not necessarily translate into significant mortar strength variations in the wall. Unit suction will remove water from the mortar in the wall and the curing conditions are different. However, significant variation between measured compression strength values should prompt evaluation of probable causes of this variation. Conducting companion mortar aggregate ratio tests would assist in determining if changes in mix constituents and proportions are the likely cause. (See 5.2.6 for additional information).
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