The use of low-pressure membrane systems has experienced exponential growth over the
past five years due to their abilities to deliver drinking water and wastewater that exceed
more stringent standards. With their modular design and sophisticated automation,
membrane plants are now being built to deliver safety and flexibility with minimal
operator intervention. Another driving force for the popularity of membranes is that their
costs have never been lower. Lower costs are spurred by more efficient process operation,
expanded manufacturing capacity and increased competition. The most important factor
that dictates the membrane plant size or the number of membranes is the membrane's
ability to handle fouling. A well-designed membrane, with high porosity and permeability,
will inherently provide better flux and economics. However, to make use of those physical
properties, membrane fouling must be controlled in a practical and economical manner.
Pretreatment of the feed water usually has a quantifiable benefit on the sizing of membrane
systems. However, pretreatment carries an associated cost and is typically applied when
additional contaminant removal is required. For example, coagulation prior to membrane
filtration is applied to reduce TOC in raw water.
An alternative option to control fouling is through the judicious use of an "enhanced flux
maintenance" (EFM) strategy that effectively increases the membrane flux, thereby
reducing the cost of membranes quite significantly. Keeping the membranes clean as often
and as long as possible allows the most efficient use of the membranes area and porosity.
This paper presents the causes of fouling and the details of the application of the EFM
process for full-scale facilities. Case histories of successful implementation of EFM's are
Present worth costs for normal flux and enhanced flux are given for a 36-mgd membrane
plant design. Operating membranes at enhanced flux using EFM resulted in 30% savings
in lifetime costs and 20% smaller footprint. The benefits of lower membrane capital and
replacement costs greatly exceed costs associated with increased use of chemicals to
mitigate fouling and energy to maintain a higher flux. Includes 4 references, tables, figures.